VisualFlix: Analyzing Netflix with Tableau

Project offereing a comprehensive understanding of Netflix's global impact

The primary objective of VisualFlix is to delve into the release date dynamics of movies and TV shows on Netflix, shedding light on the strategies employed by the platform to captivate audiences worldwide. By leveraging Tableau's sophisticated visualizations.

Extensive Dataset, Geographical Insights, Temporal Analysis, Interactive Visualizations, Actionable Insights.


Machine Learning Specialization

in association with Stanford Online and

Proficiency in various machine learning algorithms, such as linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, support vector machines, clustering, and dimensionality reduction, has been developed. Additionally, experience in data preprocessing, feature engineering, and data cleaning techniques has been gained, Experience in developing responsible and unbiased models to ensure a positive societal impact has been obtained. Understanding of deep learning concepts, including neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), has been acquired.


Practical Data Science on the AWS Cloud

in association with AWS and

Proficiency has been gained in leveraging AWS tools such as Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon EMR, and Amazon Redshift to design and implement scalable data processing pipelines. Expertise has been developed in deploying machine learning models on the AWS platform using services like Amazon SageMaker. Working with real-world datasets and applying data science techniques to extract insights has been experienced. Proficiency in using AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and AWS SDKs for automating data science workflows and operations has been achieved.


Natural Language Processing

in association with

Specialized course in Natural Language Processing (NLP) equips me with comprehensive skills in utilizing machine learning and deep learning techniques for analyzing and generating human language. With expertise in text classification, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, machine translation, and sequence-to-sequence models, I possess a deep understanding \of fundamental NLP concepts including word embeddings, recurrent neural networks, attention mechanisms, and transformer models. This specialization empowers me to solve real-world NLP challenges and contribute to the evolving field of natural language processing


Practical Data Science Using MATLAB

in association with MathWorks

"Practical Data Science with MATLAB Specialization": This specialized course serves as a robust foundation, providing a comprehensive skill set for exploring, analyzing, visualizing, and modeling data using MATLAB. Delving into the most in-demand career skills for the dynamic realm of Data Science, it ensures proficiency in meeting the diverse demands of employers across various technical fields. As you progress through the specialization, you'll acquire the expertise needed to navigate complex data scenarios, making you adept at addressing real-world challenges and contributing meaningfully to the evolving landscape of data science.


Statistics With Python

in association with University of Michigan

"Statistics with Python Specialization": Tailored to instruct learners in fundamental and intermediate concepts of statistical analysis, this specialization seamlessly integrates the use of the Python programming language for conducting data analyses. Participants will delve into understanding the origins of data, the various types of collectible data, effective techniques for summarizing and visualizing data, utilizing data for estimation and theory assessment, accurate interpretation of inferential results, and the application of advanced statistical modeling procedures. This specialization equips learners with a robust foundation for statistical analysis using Python, empowering them to navigate diverse data scenarios and make informed decisions based on sound statistical principles.


MatLab Expertise: Leveraging the Power of Matlab for Data Analysis and Modeling

Proficiency in Matlab allows for effective analysis of complex datasets, development of advanced algorithms, and creation of models across various applicationsThe demonstrated skills in Matlab enable tackling challenging data-driven projects and delivering robust solutions with high accuracy and efficiency standards. The application areas include data preprocessing, signal processing, statistical analysis, and machine learning. .


Visualizing Sales Performance: Identifying Underperforming Sub-Categories

Embark on a journey into the intricacies of sales data using visually captivating Tableau visualizations to address managerial decision

PrThis project provides a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of sales dynamics, catering to the needs of Manager, policymakers, analysts, and stakeholders. I've curated a collection of visualizations designed to effectively showcase the performance of sub-categories in each region using the Sales - Superstore dataset. The primary objective is to identify the three worst-performing sub-categories in terms of sales, shedding light on how they compare to other sub-categories within the same region.

Extensive Dataset, Geographical Insights, Temporal Analysis, Interactive Visualizations, Actionable Insights.


Areas of Expertise / Professional Interests

Achieved proficiency and demonstrated keen interest in various professional domains

Data Engineering and Data Integration

Collecting, cleaning, transforming, and integrating data from various sources for analysis.


Processing and analyzing human language data for tasks like sentiment analysis, text classification, and language generation.

Data Analysis

Extracting insights and patterns from large datasets through data mining techniques and statistical modeling.

Model Deployment

Building accurate predictive models using various machine learning algorithms to solve complex problems.

Cloud Computing

Proficiency in leveraging cloud computing technologies and services for scalable and flexible computing resources, data storage, and application deployment.

Data Ethics

Navigating ethical considerations in data science, including privacy, bias, fairness, and transparency, for responsible and unbiased decision-making.